Monday, January 14, 2008

Making My Home a Haven

I've really enjoyed reading Crystal's posts as well as posts from her readers. In some way, it's nice to know that there are other striving towards the same goals I am even in our homes.

My "routine" is a bit different because I work full-time"ish." But I'd still like to participate =) So here's a look at my day.

Morning Routine
1. Wake-Up--walk/jog 2.5 miles
2. Shower & get ready
3. Make Cofee
4. Wake up hubby
5. Breakfast/Quiet Time

Today's "To-Do's"
1. Laundry
2. Dust & Pick Up Bedroom
3. Work on Bible Study Homework
4. Make Bread
5. Fill out Insurance Papers

This morning I put a pork loin in the crock pot. The "sides" shouldn't take long, so I'll probably start them 1/2 hour before hubby comes home.
Pork Loin
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Fresh Bread

My "Do Something" is definitely going to be putting our bedroom back together. I've got way too many piles in there right now!

Since I'm off work now, I'll go get started right now!


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